The entire world and in particular China are massively investing in AI. China is hosting large ecosystems in AI, as well as numerous conferences. Most of these activities are software oriented. Top universities, academies, and institutes are bringing support to motivate scientists to contribute. IEEE AICAS 2023 is intended to fill the hardware large gap.
AICAS 2023 is currently planned as a hybrid event with in-person presentations along with an option for remote attendees. Speakers should plan to present in person at AICAS 2023. The safety of our speakers and audience remains a priority concern. We will monitor global pandemic conditions and update and adjust the conference format if needed.
The venue is in Hangzhou, which is an ancient city with a history of 2200 years and one of the seven ancient capitals in China. It is located 200 km from Shanghai. Hangzhou is the center of science, education, and culture of Zhejiang Province, and is a key national tourism city. Hangzhou is also renowned as “A Paradise on the Earth”, with its West Lake scenic area widely known, which is one of the most attractive tourism regions in China.
The AICAS’23 conference will be held in one of the best 5-star hotels in the center of the city, and within a walking distance to the subway. The region would offer choices of cinemas, supermarket, restaurants and entertainment as well.