Full-length papers complying with a maximum length of 5 pages (PDF format with the IEEE Conference style), where the 5th page should be reserved for the list of references. Papers must be submitted anonymously. Please eliminate author names, contact information, affiliations, acknowledgements and funding source from the entire manuscript. Cite all relevant prior work (including your own) in the third person. Submitted papers must describe original work that has not been published/accepted/submitted to other conferences or journals.
Please download the following Call for Papers for more details: Call_For_Papers.pdf
Link to epaper to submit: https://epapers2.org/aicas2023
Important Deadline Dates
- Submission of Regular Paper
Feb. 3rd 2023 Feb. 17th 2023
- Notification of Acceptance of Regular Paper
Mar. 24th 2023
Mar. 24th 2023 April. 3rd 2023
Prospective authors of tutorials should submit proposals to the tutorial chairs: fengwu@ustc.edu.cn, and a copy to the secretariat: secretariat@aicas2023.org, indicating title of the tutorial, target audience and prerequisite knowledge of audience, 300 words abstract (for inclusion on webpage and in registration materials), full description (2 pages to be used for evaluation), keywords, the presenter(s), short biographies, and detailed contact information of presenter(s), and indication of the main contact person.
Download the call for Tutorial Proposals here: Call_For_Tutorial_Proposals.pdf
Important Deadline Dates
-Submission of Tutorial Proposal
Jan. 16th 2023 Jan. 23th 2023
- Notification of Acceptance of Tutorial Proposal
Jan. 23th 2023 Jan. 30th 2023
Prospective special sessions should submit proposals via Email to the special session chairs: chchang@dragon.nchu.edu.tw, and a copy to the secretariat: secretariat@aicas2023.org, indicating title and abstract of the proposed special session. Then provide session motivation and outline (approx. 500 words), names and affiliations, as well as short biographies of organizers. Also, add the list of 5 invited papers including authors’ affiliations, papers titles and abstracts (approx. 100 words each, and keywords), and detailed contact information of all presenters and indication of the main contact person.
Download the call for Special Sessions proposals here: Call_For_Sepcial_Sessions_Proposals.pdf
Important Deadline Dates
- Submission of Special Session Proposal
Jan. 16th 2023 Jan. 23th 2023
- Notification of Acceptance of Special Session Proposal
Jan. 23th 2022 Jan. 30th 2023
Prospective live demonstration presenters should submit two page description of the demonstration via email to demo session co-chairs: guoxing@sjtu.edu.cn, and a copy to secretariat: secretariat@aicas2023.org, indicating demonstration title, contributors information and setup.
Download the call for Live Demonstrations here: Call_For_Live_Demonstrations.pdf
Important Deadline Dates
- Submission of Demo Session Proposals
Feb. 10th 2023 Feb. 17th 2023
- Notification of Acceptance of Demo Session Proposals
Mar. 24th 2023